Language is Everything

When I walked into school on Monday afternoon, I had no idea what to expect from Michael Dalton.
I had heard a great deal of stories from others about his words and prophecies but hadn’t yet experienced him myself. 

From the minute he strolled through the door with his coffee, he spoke wisdom and truth into our lives. 
“What you see becomes your language, and your language becomes your life."
Growing up in a church you’d think I would see healing and prophecies more, but I didn’t, if I did it was very rare. Whenever I would walk into a service, all I expected was worship, a word, and hugging a few people. 
The minute I showed up to Lighthouse church I knew that something was different. I began to see God’s provision for others in so many ways. I began to actually see His provision in my life. My atmosphere was completely changed and because I started to see all of these things happening, I started to expect them. And that’s what has changed my life. 
As Michael walked us through the “language” aspects and how they will drastically change how we do ministry, he tells us “the language you release can stop, or start the life you want.” 
If we as the church, speak doubt, we won't expect these miracles to happen. However, if we speak in faith and believe that God is going to do something, it changes our expectations and will then in turn transform our entire lives.  


Chris Gore and Team

I'll tell you a little secret about Chris Gore: He loves to ski!! He basically did the black diamond ski run called Cornice Bowl from the top to the bottom over and over all day at Mammoth Mountain (click here to view trail map), then raced to Lighthouse to teach. If you haven't done Cornice, then you need to. It's incredibly steep and tons of fun.

Chris is the Director of Healing Ministries at Bethel Church in Redding, California, including the Healing Rooms. He shared on Sunday evening at Lighthouse in Mammoth, and it was incredible. Then came to MLSSM to share for a few days. Him and his team taught and led healing clinics and showed us how to simplify what we believe about healing and the supernatural. It was incredible. It was brilliant. It was tons of fun to have them and their team with us as a church and as a ministry school. 

Also, Chris has a few books out----including a new one: A Practical Guide to Walking in Healing Power

Here's the teaching from Sunday evening...It was amazing!! Click below to play:

Chris Gore - Part 1 - Teaching
Chris Gore - Part 2 Prayer + Ministry Time For Healing  


Chris Gore and Baby HudsonPrayer for Healing with Chris Gore + Team at MLSSMPracticing Praying for HealingA Clinic to learn how to pray for Healing (Sierra's ACL before she goes in for Surgery)Connecting + Sharing Coffee with Chris Gore's Team + MLSSM