God is moving in skicamps!

Many Christian ski camps are now here in our valley and its so awesome! Young people from all over Sweden are coming here for the next 4 weeks to ski and meet God!

Usually we dont hear much about whats going on. But this week we had the chance to be apart of two different camps. Tonight I got to preach about the adventures God is inviting us all into and we saw many young people touched by God in prayer and several were healed. One girl told Anna she was healed when I layed my hand on her shouldered and prayed for her...but I prayed for something else and didnt know anything was wrong with her shoulder. Frida, Elisabeth and Anna did a great job encouraging and praying for these wonderful youth!

Its so many christian camps here and God is probably doing so much we dont know about!

But the cool thing is that they are coming here to our valley, they meet God and they go back home to all of Sweden!

Glory to God!